Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)
Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis to Identify Hotspots of Stunting Cases in Kerinci Regency
Asparian, Evy Wisudariani, Muhammad Syukri, Chindy IsmiraAbstract : 125Download PDF : 1621-10 -
Serum Progranulin Levels as Markers of Mammary Tumors in Women
Rosa Dwi Wahyuni, Rahma, Dachruddin Ngatimin, M. Sabir, Abd. Farid LewaAbstract : 104Download PDF : 8111-18 -
Health Education Influences Mother's Knowledge in Preventing Stunting in Infants
Sony Bernike Magdalena Sitorus, Hanum Sasmita, Marlina Fitriya Lailatul K.Abstract : 83Download PDF : 4019-26